Friday, 3 December 2010

Orange Folksy Friday

Tonight is my daughters Christmas Fair at school. This year instead of just any old donations for the Tombola, the Parents Association have asked that we donate something of a particular colour. Each year group has a different colour and the class with the most donations gets a prize. Year 1 has been assigned the colour orange. Hmmm! I racke my brains for weeks trying to come up with something different that was orange. Terry's Chocolate Orange? Too predictible, Marmalade? Better. Anyway, on Wednesday in a fit of inspiration I dug out some orange felt and made a flower brooch. I also made an orange Birthday card and found an orange necklace I had made. Sorted!

So I decided that I would use the theme Orange for a Folksy Friday to see what lovely things other Folksters make that is orange!
Orange Daze Millefiori Pendant by PyroAngel's Sweet Trinkets

Orange Spotty Bracelet by Dready Derry Designs
Orange Etched Floral Apron by RachaelTaylorDesigns
Orange heart felted soap from The Rainbow Room
Tall Drink of Orange Juice Button Bracelet by Mrs Gibson
Retro Orange Bloom Bag by Woolly Lakes
I didn't realise just how stunning a colour orange is, now where did I put that orange felt?

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

And the winner is........

The draw for my first giveaway has just been drawn by my dashingly handsome son against the lovely snowy backdrop and I can confirm that the winner is..

Well done Grannysmither!Your Little Book of Christmas is on its way to you.

Thank you to everyone who entered!

Friday, 26 November 2010

Early Christmas Present?

Hello everyone, don't forget to enter my first ever giveaway! Only got 5 days left! Click here for entry details!

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Oh Christmas Tree

Well the dawn of a new day saw all 3 of my flock ill with the current tummy bug sweeping the village. So, I thought it would be a good time to start on daughters Christmas Competition entry. She has to make a decoration from a toilet roll tube. The first thing that sprang to mind was a candle. Then I thought that might be too obvious and most other children would be doing that as well. She did win the competition last year so I have got standards to maintain! I also thought of a cracker, but in the end decided on a tree with the agreement of darling daughter!

So I got out the green paint and sat dd down with her little brother to paint a tube.

We waited for these to dry, then added some branches

All under the watchful eye of Woody!
She added some baubles which I retrieved from my stash of beads, and cut her own star topper out and stuck it to the top.
The completed tree. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for her again this year, she won chocolate last year and I'm sure I would be owed a cut! All entries will be judged on 3 December.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Dentist is ok!

If you haven't already met, let me introduce you to my 3 year old son. Only just 3 mind, it was his birthday last week. He is a gorgeous little chappy, always got a nice smile and says please and thank you at the right times. However, he has a terrible fear of hairdressers and dentists. Hairdressers refuse to cut his hair due to his frantic movements, screaming in fear and the inevitable 'emptying' of his stomach all over them due to his swallowing vast qualtities of hair! Visits to the dentist were not much better, just less hair and vomit.

So, yesterday I was overcome with fear and dread when I noticed a 4.15 appointment at the dentist. And it was a new dentist as our old one had stopped providing free NHS care for children. Double problem. Right, I thought, it is about time hubby saw just how difficult it is. (he goes to yet a different dentist for reasons I cannot fathom other than to avoid having to take our children!!) So very politely suggested that he might like to join us.

We solemly walked into the surgery at 4.10. I quickly glanced around to waiting room hoping not to see anyone I knew. About 20 past we were invited into the 'room'. I made eldest son go first. Yes everything was fine, and being 14 years old he had stopped screaming at the dentist some time ago. So 5 year old daughter was next. She was a bit nervous and I had to hold her hand, but everything was ok. She too had stopped screaming some time after she started school. Now it was the time for the little man. I daren't look at him in his daddy's arms, assuming he was white as a sheet and clinging on for dear life lest someone should make him sit in the chair and a strange man look at his teeth. Holding my breath for some time I courageously looked his way only to see him fighting out of daddys arms, running into the chair and happily opening his mouth so wide I'm sure his tonsils could be seen from the moon. Daddy now thinks I made the whole 'he is really scared of the dentist and will have to be restrained' story up, and is unlikely to help again. But at least our son had his teeth looked at and the dentist was very impressed with his pearly whites!

Just noticed we have a hair appointment later......................

Sunday, 21 November 2010


I have stocked my shops up and am now ready for my very first giveaway!

Here's how to enter;

Please favourite my shops on Folksy, Red Moon and Red Moon Home.
Follow me on Twitter and Facebook
Post a comment here saying what you would like to win from either of my shops if your name is picked out!

I will put all names in a hat and draw a winner on the 1st December 2010. The prize will be what you said you would like to win. Good luck!

I'm back!!!

Well it seems like years since I have been here! Nothing exciting has happened, I'd love to say I'd won a cruise around the world, or been hitch-hiking across America, but the truth is that I have been a bit busy with work (not the job that is really a hobby but I try to convince my hubby that it is a proper job!) but the proper 'day time' job. And between you and me have been a bit lazy too!

I have done a couple of fairs over the last few months, so have been busy making things for them, only to be a bit dissapointed on the day as not many people are wanting to part with their cash.

So here I am. I am feeling so guilty that I have neglected my shops on Folksy, I am going to re-launch them by offering a 10% discount on any item from either shop until 1st December. I am also going to arrange a give away very soon, so watch this space!

Saturday, 22 May 2010

Folksy swap

There was recently a thread on the Folksy Forum asking if anyone wanted to take part in a swap. The idea was that I make something for another Forum member and I received an item in from someone else. A bit like Secret Santa but without the mince pies! 'I'll have a go' thought I despite being up to my eyeballs in preparing for my first cradt fair (details to follow!).

The theme was 'summer' and it had to be worth at least £5 to make it fair on everyone. So I set to work on a bracelet/anklet and earrings for my recipient. I hope she liked them!

Wednesday morning saw the delivery of my gift! I must admit to being a bit childlike excited!

It came wonderfully wrapped......

Such a lovely material, but what could it be..
How fantastic, a notebook/organizer complete with pen and a lovely gift tag from Crafted.

It now takes pride of place in my handbag and have already used it for jotting some notes down. Thank you so much

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

My very first Folksy Friday

Well I thought it was about time I did a Folksy Friday and decided on a 'Moon' theme, perhaps not too suprisingly! There were so many moonish items to choose from, but I have picked these 6. I hope you like them as much as me!

Sailing to Byzantium Flutterbies
'Rubbish pictures' from Wallop Leigh Shepherd Designs
Salt of the Earth Createdbycarole

The shops featured are; Sailing to Byzantium with the Hare and the Moon. The hare is cut from sterling silver and features a lovely moonstone. I think this is simply stunning and would look equally lovely worn with jeans and t-shirt as it would an evening dress, and everything in between!

Flutterbies has the Red Moon pendant (what a super name!!). It is made from red and amber glass and features a stripy moon. It has been hung on a sterling silver curb chain. Really lovely colours.

'Rubbish Pictures' from Wallop had a lovely Moon Rabbit collage made entirely from recycled food packaging, junk mail and discarded bits and bobs. Unfortunatly she sold this picture yesterday which quite frankly was a bit rude!!! But please please take a look at her other items, they are stunning.

Leigh Shepherd Designs made the To the Moon and Back tile painting. Who hasn't read and fell in love with the book? This would be perfect in your little one's bedroom. It has also been finished off with tiny swarovski crystals. Need any more tempting?

Salt of the Earth has this sweet The Moon and The Stars glass bottle featuring a moon suspended over a cluster of 'diamonds'. It hangs from a silver coloured ball chain. You would be the focus of attention wearing this, it is very unusual.

and lastly but certainly not least these Shining Bright earrings by created by carole. They feature Tibetan Silver centre hangers and charms and come with a choice of silver plated ear fittings; hooks, lever backs or clip ons. I personally think they have got a bit of gothic in their blood and I have a feeling they will be favourited very soon!

Well there it is, my first Folksy Friday. I really hope you enjoyed reading and looking at my selection. Thanks to all the shop keepers I have featured for letting me use their items and thank you for stopping by to look!

I would also like to say thank you to Haptree and Me for her wonderful tutorial and template for this Folksy Friday.

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Busy day...

I can't believe this is my first post since the end of March! Time really does fly.

My auntie in law texted yesterday, she is having a lunch party tomorrow for her birthday. As it is a 'bring and eat' I thought that I would do some baking today. Problem was hubby was going to Stoke to watch the football this afternoon so I also had to entertain the little sprogs.

Feeling a bit brave, and possibly a bit stupid, I got the Play -Doh out.

Really, what did I expect!

Well I was busy in the kitchen, made chocolate brownies, 'posh' chocolate rice crispie cakes and some cupcakes.

The Play-Doh inspired me to get the polymer clay out. I made almost as much mess as the children. I used far to much Badger Balm and ended up in a very sticky mess! But eventually I ended up with some 'clouds' and 'sunshines'. I am going to paint the edges of the clouds with silver paint and call them 'Cloudy with a chance of Happiness' (as in every cloud has a silver lining). Not sure whether to make them into earrings, charms for a bracelet or necklaces. Ditto with the sunshines.

Well I'd best get on with some cleaning......

Wednesday, 31 March 2010


What a dummy, I have managed to post the wrong link to the Folksy site! It is

Sparrow Primitives

I won the giveaway arranged by Sparrow Primitives! When I found out I was so excited. I hardly ever win anything!

The 2 bunnies arrived last Friday and quite frankly they are gorgeous. The texture is so chocolatey, yum yum. And they smell divine too. I can't quite place my finger on it but something like cinnamom and ginger.

Do take a look at the shop on Folksy and their website, and if you can, treat yourself or a friend, you wont regret it!

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Craft fair countdown

There are only 57 make days until my very first craft fair! And I have made the grand sum of 2 items to sell!! I am getting slightly nervous as I don't have a great deal of time to make things in.

I thought that I would make some things that could be sold relatively cheaply in order to get some sales and my name out there as well as more expensive, longer to make things.

I have started with these tote bags for girls. ( I will be adding a line for boys too!). Also my first real attempt at applique. What do you think?

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Sparrow Primitives

I have entered Sparrow Primitives Easter blog giveaway. I'm hoping to win the lovely 'chocolate' Easter bunny. Wish me luck......

Monday, 15 March 2010


My daughter is in her first year at school. During the year each child brings 'Rocky' home for a week. He is a cute little dinosaur and has to join in with everything the child does during the week.

My daughter has never had a special teddy and doesn't cuddle anything in bed, but she and Rocky have been glued at the hip! He has got to go back to school on Wednesday and she is going to be heartbroken.
I have asked the lovely Folksy people if anyone would be able to make one so that hopefully she will have a special toy to snuggle with.
Here are some photo's of Rocky's adventures while he has been home with us;

Here he is doing some shopping (not very exciting for him)

Here he is trying a bit of tree climbing!

And finally a push on the swing

Thursday, 11 March 2010


Wow, I logged in to find that my following has increased somewhat! Thanks guys, I hope you enjoy my blogs!

I have been a bit naughty today and been making things instead of doing my 'desk' job! My scary craft fair is in my thoughts so I decided to have a go at some 'prototypes'. I have made a mobile phone sock, which is ok. It needs a bit more perfecting but I'm happy with it. This one is going to the MIL for Mothers Day (hope she doesn't read this!!). I have also made my mum's card today. It has got a detachable flower which can be used as a brooch. I felted it myself and am quiet pleased with it. I have just got my camera out to take snaps, but battery has run out. Typical. Hopefully I can add some piccy's later, assuming of course I find the charger........

Now I have got to go to the gym. I promised hubby we would go together as it is our anniversary today. Suppose we ought to spend some child free time together!! Lets hope I will still be able to walk in the morning. Can think of things I'd rather be doing!!

Friday, 5 March 2010

Craft Fair

Oooh! I have just booked a table at a local craft fair! It is in May. Now I need to sit down and have a good think about what I would like to sell, and start making them! Start the clock.....

Friday, 19 February 2010


Welcome to my brand spanking new blog!

Well, it is Friday night, last day of half term and the children are tucked up in their beds. Got some time to sort this page out and start blogging! I am struggling to find the time to be creative at the moment, hopefully next week we can get back into some routine. I have made 2 lots of cupcakes this week from my new Primrose Bakery book. I made the first lot with my daughter and her friend. They were delicious (hence the second batch!!). I am going to London with OH at the end of March, so will have to pop into the bakery in Convent Garden to taste what they really should taste like.